Connecting with the Value of your Offering as a Creative Entrepreneur
Do you struggle with connecting with the value of your offerings? Have you been confused about how to price yourself and your services? Have you been thinking about raising your rates for the last few years? Are you desiring to launch something new into this world but don't know how to price it?
I wanted to share an assignment from a Money, Mindset, and Value mini-workshop I hosted a couple of years ago that can help you connect with the value of your offering.
Anytime you offer something from your heart, remind yourself of a few of these simple truths:
You're valuable because you're alive and breathing
Your experiences are valuable
Your perspective is valuable
Your offerings are valuable because no one has experienced life from your perspective and you are sharing a piece of that unique perspective through what you are creating and offering
Next, trust that there is at least ONE person waiting for what you're offering. If you're stuck thinking "No one wants this," or "I don't know who would buy this," try these thoughts instead: "I trust that there is one person in this world waiting for this to be offered by me." “I trust there is one person who values this offering the same as I do”
I believe we are vessels for creative energy and we wouldn't feel compelled to share ourselves with others unless there was someone energetically out there waiting on the receiving end of our offering. I also believe you have to TRUST that person is out there waiting in order to resonate with them. If you believe no one wants what you're offering, or no one will pay the price you value your offering at, there's a good chance you'll prove yourself right every time.
“I trust that there is one person in this world waiting for this to be offered by me”
Finally, to connect with the value of your offering complete any or all of these prompts:
Describe everything included in your offering in detail:
What is the intention behind my offering?
What do I hope people receive from my offering?
How do I want people to feel after having said yes to my offering?
What life experiences have I had that helped form this offering?
What educational experiences have I had that helped form this offering?
What skills have I honed that helped form this offering?
When I'm providing my offering what other things am I not doing?
Is there anything else I am desiring to add to my offering?
What do I like most about my offering?
What are some ways I imagine my offering growing?
What are the costs associated with the offering? (don't forget all the costs of running a business that may be a part of your business in general but also are a part of this offering since they stem from your business: website hosting costs, internet costs, phone costs, health insurance, time spent marketing, etc)
What time and energy have I spent thinking about and creating this offering?
Is there anything else valuable that went into this offering I'd like to remind myself of?
I believe when we VALUE our offerings and price them accordingly, they become natural to talk about and share with others. If someone says no to your offer or doesn't agree with the value, it's okay because YOU fully know and understand why it's priced as it is. Your resonance with the value of your offer is what's important when sharing it with people.
Are you ready to connect with the full value of your offerings? I can help! Book a clarity coaching call and we can get started together.
Want to know about my favorite alignment tool: Journaling? Are you looking for a way to connect with your intuitive self? I created a simple course called Journaling Into Alignment where I teach you how to use journaling to get into alignment with yourself. Check out the details by clicking this button below