My Must Have Self-Care Tools and Supplements for a Busy Season of Life

must have self-care tools and supplements

My Must Have Supplements and Tools for a Busy Season of Life


Some links in this post are affiliate links. If you click through and take action, I'll be compensated. Click here for my full disclaimer. Please note these are the personalized tools I use during a busy season of life to help me feel better. I do not claim to help cure any condition or disease. I do not provide medical aid or nutrition advice for the purpose of health or disease nor do I claim to be doctors or dietitians. Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

One of my favorite things to do is curate the tools and supplements in my life that add to my well-being. When I feel busier than usual I like to lean on the ritual of using my tools to ground me, keep me feeling like myself, and to bring back a sense of well-being into my life. If I’m constantly feeling like I’m going, going, going, then stopping for a moment or more to use a tool is an invitation for me to pause with myself and check in. In these little pauses I’m able to remember what is important to me and refocus my energy in positive ways.

Here are some of my must-haves tools, including some supplements, that I lean on during busy seasons of my life. I give a little explanation of each tool or supplement below as well.

  1. My Bullet Journal: This goes without saying but when life is busy I use my journal to check in with myself and what’s going on around me, ensure I am keeping my my values prioritized, and to also make sure that things that get left undone get carried forward into the future, (or outsourced to someone else, OR let go of completely. My favorite bullet journal of all time (now almost 4 full years into the process), is the Bullet Journal Version 2. I own all of the colors of this series and loved them all equally.

  2. Hylands Bioplasma 12-1 Cell Salts: Cell salts satisfy mineral imbalances in the body to help with the body’s natural healing process. To be honest, I use these whenever I remember to and they help bring balance to overall cell function. I always remember to take these if I’m feeling a sickness coming on. I try to not take them with coffee and not around eating a meal so normally this is evening right before bed.

  3. Bach Flower Remedies

    • Clematis for Focus and Concentration : I love to use this when I’m writing blog posts or working on a project that requires more than 20 minutes of my time

    • Olive to Restore Energy : I use these during times of the year when we have lots of visitors here in Florida, during holiday seasons when I’m seeing lots of family, or directly after a coaching call

  4. Manuka Honey: To help keep my immunity in check during busy seasons I take a little spoonful of Manuka Honey

    • 850+ is my preferred honey or more right after dinner. It is expensive so I usually am taking 1/4 a serving and stretching out a bottle.

    • I’ll use 600+ Manuka Honey too if it isn’t cold/flu season and I’m just looking to stay in the habit of it.

  5. A gold old fashion relaxing bath with

  6. My SUPERCHARGED Matcha Latte Recipe: In the afternoon of especially busy seasons I like to carve out 30 minutes to make myself a matcha latte and sit back and enjoy it in the quiet. I often time this with my babies nap so I can enjoy the matcha quietly while she sleeps.


Want to know about my favorite alignment tool: Journaling? Are you looking for a way to connect with your intuitive self? I created a simple course called Journaling Into Alignment where I teach you how to use journaling to get into alignment with yourself. Check out the details here.


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