Why Self-Love is Important

Self-love is holding a deep appreciation for yourself. Self love involves:

  • self love is about Accepting yourself as your are

    Accepting yourself as you are means recognizing that all parts of you are allowed. You are you because of your unique traits and qualities.

  • Self love is about being kind to yourself

    Treat yourself with kindness and respect, the way you would treat a loved one or your own child. Inner critics can be loud, but that doesn’t make them right. When you hear yourself putting yourself down, challenge those thoughts. Would you talk to a friend that way? If not, remind yourself to be kind. Usually an inner critic is just looking to be noticed. Notice your critic. Accept them too. They are usually a part of you that was criticized as a child and is repeating what they heard back to you. You can comfort that part of you and remind you that you’re okay.

  • Self love is about being compassionate to yourself

    Compassion is understanding and forgiving yourself when you make a perceived mistake. There really are no mistakes in life, just updated information that you can use moving forward. Treat yourself with the understanding and forgiveness you would offer a close friend. If you’re not making mistakes in your life, then you’re not really living. Living is about trying and learning new things.

  • self love is about leaning into self care for yourself

    Prioritizing your own well-being, both physically and emotionally. Remember, self-care is personal. Experiment and find what works best for you. The key is to prioritize your well-being and make time for activities that help you feel rejuvenated and balanced.

    Some ways to practice self-care are

    • eat nourishing foods and stay hydrated

    • move your body daily

    • get enough sleep

    • engage in activities that bring you joy

    • connect more often with loved ones

    • pursue a new curiosity or interest

    • find a way to relax such as bath, massage, nap, read a book, watch a movie

    • remove something off your calendar that no longer feels good to you (don’t rebook it again)

having love for yourself improves all areas of your life including

  • self love improves your natural well-being:

    When you are accepting of yourself, kind to yourself and taking care of yourself you are naturally going to feel a lot better! When you have a strong sense of self-love, it influences your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions in positive ways. Your well-being will spill over into all aspects of your life.

  • Healthier relationships:

    When you value yourself, you attract friends and relationships that also value you. You also can recognize when a relationship doesn’t feel healthy or good to you and part of self-care is learning to let those relationships go or find ways to strengthen them

  • Better decision-making:

    Self-love empowers you to make choices that feel good to you. When you love yourself, you’re able to choose loving choices for yourself. You’re also able to say no with ease because when things don’t feel good to you, you recognize that you don’t have to do it.

  • Increased confidence:

    When you are loving to yourself, your confidence naturally goes up because you’re rooting for you!

Overall, self-love is the foundation for creating a healthy and happy life. When we practice self- love we also practice loving others around us!

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