How to Choose When You Feel Stuck

Intuitive Decision Making is a process of making decisions from my inner knowing that I’ve leaned into over the past year to help guide me along on my journey. The more I practice intuitive decision making, the more I learn that I always do know what’s best for me. I’m always led to a better place by listening to my intuition.

Deciding is such an important part of life because it is was moves you toward wanted. My guiding light in decision making is to answer: Does this take me closer to what I want for myself in life?

Feeling stuck and uncertainty is a feeling inside when you really don't know what to choose. You may be wondering:

  • How do I choose when I feel stuck?

  • How do I choose when I just don’t know what to do?

  • What if no choices bring me closer to what I want?

Throughout my practice of intuitive decision making, I’ve learned that feeling "stuck" in making a decision means one of two things.

Usually when I feel stuck it means that I don't have all of the information I need yet to make the best decision for myself. If I don’t have all of the information yet, then its just not time to decide. Instead, it’s time to let it rest for a while.

What are some ways to let it rest?

Change the subject. Distract yourself. Move your body. Get still and breathe. Relax. Chill out. Do anything except try to figure it out.

If it feels hard to rest your mind in the looping of the unknown try to acknowledge that clarity isn't here right now. Sometimes catching yourself in the looping is the first part of letting it go. If you can acknowledge that clarity is just not here right now, you can ease the your thoughts into quieting down. Once you relax and quiet down, try to connect with the knowing inside of yourself that the answer is on it's way.

Other times, I find it’s time to just pull the plug and say yes to something. Making any decision will bring forward the power of the universe to start engaging with you. Life is about growth and learning. Every decision, even if it doesn't lead to the expected outcome, teaches you something valuable. Sometimes, this vauable information is just what you needed to make a new decision and move forward again.

This post is an excerpt from my full blog series: Intuitive Decision Making. If you want to learn more about the process of making decisions that are in alignment with who you really are, click below and get started on your journey of connecting with yourself and all of the answers you already have.

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