How Can I Trust Divine Timing

This blog post is a continuation of my blog post on Intuitive Decision Making.

Before we explore intuitive decision making further, it’s important to understand two foundational principles first: Trust and Timing.


When using intuitive decision-making, trust is a must.

Actually, trust is a "must-le" you will stretch and strengthen. I am going to repeat this just because it is important:

Trust of ourselves is an inner sense we are naturally born with. We come into this world trusting ourselves deeply. You can see this in babies and children. They trust themselves.

Over time, others guide us away from this trust and the weakening of the trust muscle begins. We start questioning ourselves and our decisions and start looking to others for their knowledge instead.

When we don't trust ourselves and our decisions it's because we are either believing that we have made "bad" or "wrong" decisions before, OR, that there is the possibility of choosing "bad" or "wrong" in the now/future.

How do you know if you're not fully trusting yourself?

You may experience regretful thoughts and narratives such as

  • "I should have chosen differently"

  • "If only I did this instead."

  • "I regret this decision"

  • "This turned out bad"

  • "I failed because I did this"

  • "What if I choose wrong"

  • “I don’t know what to pick”

  • "I'm going to screw this up again"

  • "I never choose right"

  • What if I take this risk and everything blows up in my face?"

  • "I'll choose what this person guides me to choose since they know more"

  • "I won't choose at all, it's better than messing up"

To use intuitive decision making effectively, we have to return to trusting ourselves and our inner guidance.

With regular usage, inner-trust will stretch , strengthen, and grow.

The quickest way to build inner trust in yourself is to practice daily in the now moments and smaller decisions you make. Practice inner thoughts such as:

  • “I always make the best decisions for myself.”

  • “I know how to choose.”

  • “I can’t get this wrong”

  • “I can always choose again”

  • “My decision will bring more clarity.”

  • “If I don’t have clarity yet, I trust more information is coming that I may not have yet.”

Think these thoughts as much as possible until you feel inner resonance of their truth.

what is divine timing

Once we begin practicing trusting ourselves and our decision-making muscle, the next thing we will learn to lean into is divine timing. Divine Timing is trust that the Universe will support you in your decision and help arrange the cooperative components in the perfect and most divine time for you.

An example of this is someone I knew closely was getting a pool. They were told it would be put in during June or by July. The pool didn't get put in during that time and toward the end of July, they started to feel bad that the company took their money and wasn't upholding their agreement with their timing. This caused a lot of stress for them because they weren't trusting the DIVINE TIMING. In middle to late July, it started raining heavily in our area, way more than normal. Come to find, all the pools that were started in July had to be redone because the rain caused them ALL to sink!

The divine timing was them missing that window- if they could have trusted the divine timing, and knew there was a reason their desire was being held up, they could have relaxed earlier and enjoyed the waiting for the perfection of the universe to deliver it at the right time.

Another thing to note with Divine Timing is that when you do fully trust that the Universe will help arrange cooperative components for you in the perfect timing, you RELAX. When you RELAX, (and don't stress about the timing!) your whole body functions better. Your cells and every part of your body work better when you aren't under stress.

Therefore, leaning into Divine Timing helps you also make the most of the NOW moment because you are more relaxed and trusting of things working out. This allows you to focus better, feel better, and live better, therefore helping better things come your way.

The last thing about divine timing is that when you start to TRUST the timing of everything, time seemingly expands. It's hard to put into words and I'm not sure you would believe it if I wrote about it, but you have to test it for yourself.

When you deeply trust that the timing of everything is working for you, and you RELAX and allow everything to work for you, a few things happen:

  1. You seem to get more done in less time, with more focus and acceptance

  2. More cooperative components come into your life seemingly out of nowhere that help wrap up some of the projects you have

  3. Things you thought you needed to get done seem to wrap themselves up for you.

  4. You start to have more time and space to add more things into your life that feel good to add

  5. You start to also notice what is taking up your time in a way you don't enjoy and you become more relaxed about saying no to those things (also a part of intuitive decision making! Intuitive NOS! You'll learn more about this later)

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