
sync up with your inner knowing and authentic magic

learn how to trust yourself and intEntionally create A life you love


scroll down for more info


I'm Christina Shaw.

I am so happy you’re here.

I believe the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself. If you found yourself here, it’s likely you understand that to be true too.

Your desires, preferences and well-being matter. I will help you know this too.

Aligned + Kind was created as a place to nurture your own intuitive knowing as you begin to honor yourself and start navigating the world in a way that feels good to you.

Maybe you’ve tried people pleasing, proving yourself, and putting others first, but you’re ready for a new chapter that feels better.

You’re seeking something different, something true to you, and you know deep down there is another way.

The good news is, there is.

I’ll support you as you gently transition away from the things everyone else says you need to or should do, to deliberately choosing for yourself the things that resonate with you, the things that light up you, and the things that will transform the world around you simply because you are being YOU. You don’t have to change, heal or transform yourself. You only have to stop doing the things that don’t feel good to do.

you will NURTURE your Authentic self, feel better and experience the ease of Allowing

A common thread of all those I work with is the desire and willingness to connect with and use the inner magic and knowing they already carry inside themselves.



get ready to embrace:

ease and allowing

Explore my most popular offerings:


clarity call


my personal musings






rediscover the magnificent creator you already are


are you ready to…


+ move in the direction of your desires?

+ feel alive, inspired, and excited in your day to day life again?

+let go of people-pleasing behaviors and start choosing for your own well-being?

+create a life centered around what lights you up?

+ make decisions that are aligned with what you value and prefer?

+experience self-love and ease as your natural way of being?


Imagine listening to yourself, honoring your preferences, and allowing yourself to move toward your desires, so you can experience the joy of showing up in the world as you truly are.


If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you’ve come to the right place.

I’ll support you toward connecting with your intuitive self, all the while inspiring the world around you to do the same.

Sign up below to stay updated on new courses, retreats, and coaching openings


coaching helps you move in the direction of your desires

discover how life coaching supports you to

+ Have trust in yourself, the universe, and your deeper knowing

+ Disrupt the self-narrative that doesn’t serve you any longer

+ Relax and allow yourself to open to the natural flow of receiving

+Experience the freedom of choosing for yourself what you want your life to look and feel like

+Embrace the magic of syncing up with your full self

discover how alignment with your authentic self and preferences opens the flow to your natural well-being


My coaching process

where ease, inspiration, and magic meet.

01. Book a first time clarity call at my intro rate

Discover the magic of soothing resistance and feeling better. We’ll use this call to discuss whatever is on your mind and practice the art of allowing. You’ll leave the call feeling lighter and with resonance of what your inner knowing feels like

02. pick a 4, 6 or 9 month coaching package

If you decide you’d like to further your exploration of coaching, you can choose a longer package depending on your preferences.

03. SYNC UP WITH you. the real you.

This is where the fun begins. You’ll begin to understand what your inner guidance system feels like and you’ll practice the art of syncing up with yourself over and over again. You’ll start to experience life unfolding in the direction of your true desires. This is the magic of continuously returning to your natural and deserving flow of well-being. You’ll feel more trust, ease, and lightness in the process as you start embracing being the deliberate creator of your life.


follow @alignedandkind