What is My Purpose?

"Stop struggling. For the primary purpose of every human being is simply to be: fully engaged in this moment, and aligned with the natural flow of reality itself."

Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth.

How does one discover what their true purpose is?

Discovering your purpose is a journey, not a destination, and it will continue to evolve the more you live life.

I encourage you to reframe the question and instead ask: “How can I discover more of what I enjoy doing with my time and spend more time bringing that into my day to day.

Here are some ways to get started:

  • Self-reflection

    • Consider what you already enjoy doing. What lights you up? Consider what you already enjoy talking about. Are their certain conversations you love being involved with? Consider other people and their jobs that you admire. Is there a part of their work/purpose you would love to make a part of your life?

  • Expand your horizons:

    • Try new things! Take classes, volunteer, and travel. Stepping outside your comfort zone can spark new interests and reveal hidden talents.

  • Explore your current passions:

    • What do you lose track of time doing? Are there hobbies you can delve deeper into or use to help others?

  • Develop connections with others:

    • How can you use your skills and interests in a way that would be of benefit to others?

  • Talk to others:

    • Discuss purpose with friends, mentors, or people you admire. Ask them how they found what lit them up. Ask them to share their journey with you. Hearing their journeys may inspire you.

  • Read a few books that cover this topic

    • Books may inspire you to think differently or try new things. Here are some of my favorites on the topic:

Remember you can start where you are and with what you have. There is no need to wait to connect to your purpose. By exploring your interests and passions you ARE living your purpose.


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Christina Shaw